Phoenix Rising: Beyond the Shadows

Phoenix Rising: Beyond the Shadows

Isn't it funny how sometimes you have a whole weekend planned full to the brim and then at the last minute it all clears and you're left with space.

This often happens to me during times when it would seem the universe knows better than I do that I'm gonna need some space. Instead of filling my space with other commitments, I've spent a fair bit of this weekend journalling, tidying and readying for the next few months. Change is in the air.
Sometimes I find that change is about people, places and things… and other times it's about perspective.
This weekend I have been thinking about my role as a “Shadow Worker” over the last 20 years. A role that I didn't consciously choose, it chose me. It has meant that I've explored the depths of suffering, terror, abuse, disconnection, depression, hate and death.

Not exactly the best conversations to have at a dinner table - and sometimes it meant I didn't get invited!

For a long time I rejected this role, wondering what I'd done wrong, if I was cursed, what Karma I'd accumulated in a previous life or why I was unlovable. For those of us who've also travelled to the underworlds as part of our souls evolution, I just want to celebrate you. I know you've grafted so much. I know you've witnessed more than anyone should ever experienced and not been able to turn away.

I see you. But what I've come to realise is that this role is in fact SACRED.

As a result of my experiences I can now sit in the company of ANYONE, having had ANY experience and not feel fear, or judgement or condemnation. But instead I have buckets of compassion, hope and LOVE. Can you imagine bringing the parts of you that you feel the most shame about, sharing them with me and knowing that there is ZERO part of me that join you in that shame? in fact, I will hold your shame with love and show you how to hold it that way too.

So here's a little note I've written to this part of myself today during journalling that I wanted to share with you: My dear heart: I know you thought you would stay in the shadows forever. Never knowing love, never knowing if your time in the shadows would end. But look around! it has!

I'm so pleased you never gave up that you put your head down and took one step forward every day.

You can lay down your weapons now, there's nothing left to fight. You've won. You let the light in your heart grow so big that it now loves all of your shadows too. I want you to know it's now safe to love freely and live joyfully, to embrace hope and positivity and experience the power of love for yourself and those you love.

It's time to reap the rewards of all that work you've put in and love abundantly. This is the moment where we're creating something brand new. A rebirth. A moment of quantum change where Truth and Love have won.

Let's go play together, explore and expand together and learn what this new world of lightness, wisdom, courage and ease looks and feels like. …and don't forget to keep believing in yourself. From your heart.

By Dawn Lucht

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